The Miracle of Toulouse 721 AD


                                           Battle of Toulouse 721 AD
                                           Photo from:

               "Do not work for food that goes bad, but work for food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you, for on him the Father, God himself, has set his seal." Jn 6:27

            Miracles come and go in different ways. Some are obvious, while some are stranger than others. Here is a story of how the unusual gift of Pope Gregory II helped Duke Odo to win the Battle of Toulouse.

It was the year 718 when the civil war in the Frankish Kingdom in Gaul (modern-day France) came to an end. Charles Martel, Mayor of the Palace and de facto ruler of the kingdom, was the ultimate victor. However, some nobles managed to gain independence from Charles and established their territory. One of them was the powerful Duke Odo of Aquitaine, who became rivals with Charles. Soon, a rising threat will test both of their powers.

                                           Gaul, 718 AD
                                                     Photo from:

By 719, Al-Samh ibn Malik, Umayyad Muslim governor of Al-Andalus (modern-day Spain and Portugal), entered Gaul and conquered Septimania in modern South France. The Muslim Governor can now challenge the rule of Charles and Odo. Not long after, Governor Al-Samh decided to launch an invasion into Gaul.

Then came the year 721, Governor Al-Samh attacked the Duchy of Aquitaine with thousands of men. First, the Muslims besieged the well-fortified city of Carcassone but failed. Instead, Al-Samh attacked the city of Toulouse, Capital City of the Duchy of Aquitaine. The Muslim governor surprised Duke Odo with his rapid advance. It made Duke Odo to quickly organize the city defense before setting out to rally whatever forces he could use to defend the city. He asked Charles Martel for help, but Charles refused as he saw that the Muslims as a way to weaken his rival. In the end, Duke Odo had no choice but to face his superior enemy, who was numerically superior and better equipped, with a few thousand loyal Aquitanian Horsemen.

At some point, Pope Gregory II found out about the impending battle. He sent Duke Odo 3 baskets of bread as a sign of support. It was a strange gesture and would seem like an underwhelming action from the Holy Father. However, the Aquitanians will soon learn how these uncanny gifts will play a huge role in their upcoming battle.


                                                           St. Pope Gregory II
                                                           Photo from:

After months of siege, the defenders of Toulouse were at their last legs as their supplies, numbers, and morale were getting low. One morning Duke Odo returned and set camp somewhere far from the city. He saw the grave situation of Toulouse, where his defenders are slowly getting overwhelmed. Duke Odo made his final preparations for what seemed to be a desperate fight. He then divided the bread from Pope Gregory II into small pieces and fed it to his troops, hoping something good will happen. Everything is ready for the upcoming battle that will decide the fate of Toulouse and all of Aquitaine.

            Later that morning, Umayyad Muslim scouts reported sightings of a large contingent of Aquitanian Horsemen. Al-Samh informed his officers to intercept the horsemen but he was too late. Duke Odo and his men charged their enemies to great effect. However, the initial shock wore off because the Aquitanians lacked the numbers to break the Muslim line. The duke ordered a retreat that emboldened the Muslims but sapped the morale of the defenders of Toulouse as they slowly accepted their fate. The Muslims were sure of their victory and rested for the night, not knowing what awaits them.

Soon, the quiet of the night broke when Duke Odo returned with more riders and charged their sleeping enemies. The loud thundering sound the thousands of charging horses made shocked the Muslims. The enemy force scrambled to form a defensive line, but it was futile as the quick horsemen started hacking each one of them. In the middle of the battle, Governor Al-Samh retreated when he was wounded in battle. The Muslims ran away as soon as they saw their leader leaving the battle. Many enemy soldiers that were slow to retreat got cut down by the Aquitanian Horsemen. The battle was over. 

                               Battle of Toulouse(night)
                                           Photo from:

Soon, the Aquitanians realized a miracle has happened to them. Those men who were able to eat the bread given by Pope Gregory II lived, few of them only suffered injuries at worst. The miracle showed the Aquitanians that Christ has guided them to victory and saved them from death. Unlike their Muslim counterparts who had thousands of dead men.

The victory gave Duke Odo renown and praise from his fellow Catholic Rulers. It also gave the Muslim Umayyad Forces a setback that prevented them from attacking Gaul for years. 

For Charles Martel, this brought him enough time to prepare his Kingdom to fight the Muslims. His chance will arrive 11 years later when the Umayyad Muslims return under Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi to finally put Gaul under the Crescent of Islam. But, his plan will fail when they face in the fields of Tours. 




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